Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 6

I did it again! I am somewhat surprised by the easy success I've had. Okay, it's not easy. In fact, I want to sleep in more than anything. The one thing I've found that I miss most is hitting the snooze button - but I know that's the end of me. If sleeping Aubrey gets to make the decisions (as she has been for the past many years) I'll never get out of bed.

My husband tried getting up early today - set his alarm for 6:05 am. Mine is set for 6:08 am. So, his alarm went off; it was sort of like a snooze button.

On my mind today: laundry, kitchen, organize papers, the fund raiser looming on the horizon for the cash-strapped organization I manage (and my future career path and exit strategy).

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